Tuesday, 26 November 2019

26th November 2019 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes

26th November 2019 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes

All anglers should hurry to ensure that they have their say regarding adding fish eating birds, notably cormorants and goosanders to the General Licence so that we can be more able to protect our valuable fish stocks from the growing numbers of these birds that are having a devastating effect on our fisheries. This is possibly the only chance for anglers to have their say and make a real difference….so do it now as you must complete the survey before the 5th December!

All you need to do is go onto the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) website and search for the Wild Birds General Licence Survey if the following link which you can copy and paste into your browser does not work:-  https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/general-licences-for-wild-birds-survey-on-management-measures-in-england

If anyone is looking to either join Warrington Anglers Association now or purchase one as a Christmas present for someone, the best time is after the 1st December for the 2020 membership. You can either call to our office at 52, Parker Street, Warrington, on a Friday evening between 7pm and 8-30pm or join online. If you let us know we will post those intended as Xmas presents to the purchaser.

Our Christmas prize Mersey Match took place on Sunday at Mersey Walk and the result produced what is believed to be Warrington Anglers Association's oldest ever match winner. Regular Mersey and canal match attendee Stan Charnock at eighty-four fished his favourite quiver tip method with a groundbait feeder and maggot for a decisive win with three roach and a bonus bream which sent the scales round to 6-5-0. Second placed Roy Everson put together an all roach catch caught on both groundbait feeder and maggot and Bolognese for a winning weight of 3-11-0. Twenty-one anglers took part in this WAA sponsored event but special thanks go to Ade Green for ensuring that there were ample prizes to go around and nobody left empty handed.

Our Monday Disabled and Over 60's match was on the Bridgewater Canal this week at Preston Brook and was a real struggle for bites. Keith Dentith was the winner with a small roach and perch catch for a weight of 0-12-2. Jimmy Byrne was second with 0-7-4. It is the Dead Length next week where fish annually shoal up for the winter so hopefully, we should see some better results.

This is the time of year when there is a vast reduction of anglers on the banks so I would really welcome any catch reports good, bad, or indifferent as these help fellow members to know how waters are fishing and plan their outings. Email frank@warrington-anglers.org.uk or give me a ring on 01928 716238.

WAA Headquarters at 52, Parker Street are open as usual every Friday between 7 & 9pm. New members are welcome to call in and join, current ones can renew their subscription, or night permit. 

Frank Lythgoe[fl1] 



Mersey Christmas Prize Match.

1)      Stan Charnock        6-5-0

2)      Roy Everson            3-11-0

3)      E. Frangleton/M. Dench 2-6-0


Disabled & Over 60's.

1)      Bud Lea                  2-11-9

2)      Roy Brown             0-8-13

3)      George Barber      0-11-8

4)      Ray Boden            0-5-11



Mersey Match Series draw 9am Victoria Park.


Disabled & Over 60's draw 10am Bridgewater Canal, Moore Boats.
