Tuesday 28 August 2018

28th August 2018 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes

28th August 2018 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes

Mike Pritchard is one of a minority who take their grandchildren fishing. He recently introduced four years old Amelia Rose-Lily Davies to our sport and she has taken to it like a duck to water, Mike reckons that she is a natural. Friday saw the pair on the River Mersey at Kingsway Allotments where Amelia was using a telescopic whip that was her mother's when she first started fishing. Feeding maggots this mad keen youngster caught six perch and a roach and kissed every fish before she put them back in the river. Needless to say, she loves going fishing with her grandad. Come on you dads and grandparents take the kids out fishing after all said and done they are the future of our sport.

There were no reports of carp caught over the Bank Holiday, nudge nudge, wink wink…if you believe that you'll believe anything. I'm sure members targeting these fish are quite happy as I understand there were a few PB's landed. Another plus is that there were some quality tench and bream that benefit from the high protein baits. Whilst on a visit to Grey Mist last week there was some really encouraging news that small tench are being caught by members float fishing. These have been absent for some time so let's hope they can evade the cormorant scourge and reach maturity.

Some decent roach to 2lbs have been reportedly cropping up in catches on the Trent & Mersey Canal so again good news indeed. Ian Simms fished pole and caster over hemp on the stick-ups past the boatyard on Sunday and ended up with around 20lbs of roach and skimmers


Our Saturday Mersey Match Series was again fished this week at Kingsway Allotments where local match ace Jimmy Byrne fished a groundbait feeder and maggot for a bream and skimmer catch that tipped the scales at 22-5-4. Jim Gannon fishing the same method was in second place with 12-0-0.

Jimmy Byrne held on to his winning form to take first place again the next day on Sundays Mersey Series match fished at Mersey Walk. He stuck to the previous days winning combination of groundbait feeder and maggot for a weight of 18-14-0 made up of skimmers and silver bream. Alan Birchall who fished pole and maggot was the runner-up with an all roach catch 


Our Monday Disabled & Over 60's match was fished this week on our Woodshaw Reservoir fishery at Wigan. Derek Bibby put together a net of skimmers and roach for a winning weight of 6-15-4. The following three places were close but Jimmy Byrne took second place with a catch of a brace of crucians and roach for 5-13-0.

Cicely Mill is still shut until further notice.

Your catch reports are always welcome, but more important, it is nice to let follow members know how waters are fishing. Please email frank@warrington-anglers.org.uk or give me a ring on 01928 716238.

WAA Headquarters at 52, Parker Street are open as usual every Friday between 7 & 9pm for 2018 night permits/membership renewals, new members, subscriptions, and any queries.

Frank Lythgoe


Saturday Mersey Series

1)      Jimmy Byrne                22-5-4

2)      Jim Gannon                 12-0-0

3)      Chris Wray                     4-2-0

Sunday Mersey Series

1)      Jimmy Byrne      18-14-0

2)      Alan Birchall       11-12-0

3)      Derek Bibby        11-7-0

4)      Ant Higham           9-2-0


Monday Disabled & Over 60's (Woodshaw reservoir)

1)      Derek Bibby           6-15-4               

2)      Jimmy Byrne          5-13-0

3)      Alan Birchall           5-1-0

4)      George Barber       5-0-0            



Mersey Series draw 9am. Kingsway Allotments


Pairs Match, River Mersey draw 9am Victoria Park


Disabled & Over 60's Draw 10am Bridgewater Canal, Pickerings Bridge