Tuesday, 25 October 2011
25th October 2011 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes

Tuesday, 18 October 2011
18th October 2011 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes
18th October 2011 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes.
Member J Hall had a cracking brace of pike from the Dee at Almere Ferry with fish of 21lbs and 25lbs both taken using dead bait. I have no further details at present but our local bailiff has promised me pictures which will be posted on our website. I have been telling members of the pike potential on this river for years, pity they don't grow so big on a diet of cormorants. Anglers are enjoying excellent sport with roach and grayling taken on caster and maggot although if this rain keeps up that will change.
As the Dee salmon season closed on Monday of this week it appears from reports that it was a pretty uneventful end to a good season with only one fish of 5lbs taken off our beats. I usually get to know more in a week or so when a few conscientious members send me their angling logs. It is a pity that this behaviour doesn't 'catch on' with more of our members as how else do we put a 'value' on a fishery be it coarse or game, certainly not solely on aesthetics. Some of you will have heard me recount on past occasions when after no reports for some considerable time we relinquished a lease on a stretch of river only to be inundated with complaints from irate members that the committee were out of touch. How true ... if only they had given us a clue!
After a spell of something approaching 15 matches without touching any prize money other than to pay it out to others, at long last things came together on Monday at Beech Road for our disabled and over 60's match organiser John Dagnall, (I understand with some rigs and coaching from one of the regular 'winners') with a well deserved section win of 2-7-0. Although match winner Barry Owen almost trebled that with a net of bread punch and caster caught roach of 6-8-0.
There were no bream caught in the Mersey Series match this week but winner Geoff Shaw put a nice net of feeder caught roach on the scales for 7-13-0 and a decisive win over runner up Jimmy Byrne who was exactly 4lbs light on 3-13-0.
Sport has improved at Rixton Claypits with members enjoying some good catches of roach and skimmers. Method feeder tactics with two red maggots at the business end is giving the best results.
You can now log onto the new Angling Trust Northwest Forum website at www.anglingtrustnorthwest.net . You can use this for feeding back or gaining information from around our region. A really important feature is the running log on cormorant sightings where already 4500 anglers have given this vital information. This facility is open to all anglers, AT members or not, as the subsequent findings will benefit our sport across the board.
Please keep sending me your catch reports either by phone Tel 01928 716238 or email frank@warrington-anglers.org.uk. HQ Parker Street is now open as usual between 7 & 9pm on Friday, for 2011 subscriptions, new memberships, and any queries.
Frank Lythgoe
Warrington Anglers Local Winter League (Ditchfield Br to Lymm Br)
Mersey Series (members only) draw 10am Victoria Park
Disabled & Over 60's Draw 10-30am Stockton Heath British Legion. Contact John Dagnall at Cheshire Angling 01925 635486
Disabled & Over 60's
1) Barry Owen 6-8-0
2) Pete Critchley 5-4-0
3) Jimmy Byrne 4-0-8
4) Alf Seddon 3-6-12
Mersey Series:
1) Geoff Shaw 7-13-0
2) Jimmy Byrne 3-13-0
3) Paul Hitchen 1-14-0
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
11th October 2011 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
4th October 2011 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes
4th October 2011 Warrington Anglers Association Guardian Notes.
A worrying development at our Manchester end of the Bridgewater Canal is that a male person has been asking anglers to pay a day ticket. This has been brought to our attention by a junior member who was likewise approached but asked the man to produce his membership card whereupon he walked away and left the scene. For the record we do not issue day tickets on any part of the canal. If anyone is approached please ring the police immediately and also let me know.
A new and long awaited series of pike matches are being run in the North West by Baileys Tackle and they are proving popular with the first match to be held on Grey Mist Mere at month end already a sell-out. The series has also attracted some top tackle sponsors with lots of prizes on offer ranging from clothing to rods. Anyone interested in taking part ring Andy or Bernard at Baileys Tackle on 01925 823441.
It is getting that time of the year when pike fishing comes into its own so local waters such as the River Mersey which is virtually untapped are worth a visit. One angler this week tried his hand on the venue and had fish of 9, 11, and 17lbs during a short day session. All were taken on dead bait. If running water is your thing and you fancy something further afield or more picturesque then you could do far worse than try our Dee fisheries which hold quality pike.
Sandiway large lake has produced a fair number of big twenties and thirties so far this year, the latest I hear on the grapevine only this past week was allegedly 34lbs, but as usual no confirmation and sadly no photographs which are vital to monitor growth rates and to ensure our stocking policy is on track. Many thanks to those few members who do take the trouble to send me their fish details which of course I do not report if that is their wish.
The Bridgewater Canal is currently alive with small skimmer bream so the next few seasons could be interesting as they pack on weight in this popular fishery. Some certainly showed up in our Disabled & Over 60's match which resulted in a dead heat as local canal aces Jimmy Byrne and Lennie Dutton both put identical mixed nets on the scales for 5-8-8. Committee member Graham Belton took the third spot with 5lbs dead.
Please keep sending me your catch reports either by phone Tel 01928 716238 or email frank@warrington-anglers.org.uk. HQ Parker Street is now open as usual between 7 & 9pm on Friday, for 2011 subscriptions, new memberships, and any queries.
Frank Lythgoe
Mersey Series (members only) draw 10am Victoria Park
Disabled & Over 60's Draw 10-30am Stockton Heath British Legion. Contact John Dagnall at Cheshire Angling 01925 635486
Disabled & Over 60's
1) Jim Byrne/Lennie Dutton 5-8-8
3) Graham Belton 5-0-0
4) Ian McLean 2-12-14