Thursday, 3 June 2010

Warrington Anglers notes  1st June 2010

The honorary members match series moved to their annual match at our Woodshaw reservoir at Wigan last week where they all had a good day with everybody catching well . There was a fish for battle between   Jeff Clare and Alan Brown  and at the end of the match there was only two ounces separating them with Jeff Clare taking the spoils with a weight of 7lbs-9ozs compared to Alan Browns weight of 7lbs-7ozs.

Our local bailiff Trevor Grey who along with his crew look after and maintain our waters around the Wigan area reported that Woodshaw has been fishing well with numerous good catches of crucian carp and tench being caught along with roach and skimmer bream. The Fosters complex received mixed reports  with Mowpin being very patchy with the odd decent carp being taken. The ' carp pool' is performing good with crucian carp and bream being taken. The 'C' and' D' are fishing well with carp to 5lbs being caught. At present work is being carried out on Johnsons pool to improve the pegs and clear swims but it is still available for fishing. The large complex at Worthington Reservoir at present is fishing quite well with bream to 7lbs being caught and double figure carp also feature in the catches.

                Sandiway lakes at present according to reports is slow for sport with only a few carp being taken but this has been supplemented with big tench being. Sport should improve shortly when the active spawning season ends.

                Rixton clay pits is the same story with the carp in a spawning mood but sport is good with tench to 5lbs being caught along with decent bags of bream and roach. A great deal of work has been carried out on this water along with Grey Mist over the past months by our volunteers to ensure the waters are clean and comfortable to fish. I would ask anybody visiting these waters to ensure that they clean up any litter in their vicinity before and after fishing .

On the canal fishing scene the Bridgewater canal is fishing quite well as can be seen from the recent match results . The roach which have been a rarity in the past few weeks due to spawning have started to make a comeback. This must be true as I managed to win the mid-week evening match with an all roach catch and according to some if I can do this the swim must be solid with fish. I have received reports that the Sankey canal at the Spike Island is fishing good with plenty of big roach being caught along with bream to 4lbs .

Chris Grehan


Honorary & OAP Members (Woodshaw Reservoir)   

1ST          Jeff Clare             7-9-0

2nd          Alan Brown        7-7-0

3rd           George Wilkinson 6-6-8

4th           Bill Stockton      5-7-0

Mid Week National Squad fund

1st           Chris Grehan      3-3-3

2nd          Martin Giffiths 2-8-12

3rd           Phil Cross            2-7-9

4th           Graham Skelly   2-6-9

Forthcoming events


John Lee Trophy 5th June

Draw at Pickerings Bridge car park 12 noon


Minnows summer series draw 6pm at Euclid Avenue Contact Helen Dagnall on 635486

Disabled & over60s

Draw at 10-30am at Stockton Heath British Legion Contact John Dagnall on 635486

National Squad Fund

Thursday 3rd June

Draw 5-30 at Red Brow under bridge not at the motorway bridge

Thursday 10th June

Draw 5-30 at Beech Road